NOTE: this API is only available to On-demand scan subscribers. Contact us for details.

Ondemand Scope IP Bulk API

NOTE: this API is available from development endpoint only.

This API is used to launch an active scan against the given list of single IP addresses and/or CIDR masks list. When launched, a Scan ID will be given back to you. This Scan ID can be used to track current scan result or to fetch past scan results.

Using curl

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_APIKEY' -XPOST '' -d '{ "ip":"IP1,IP2,IP3/24" }'

Available parameters

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: bearer YOUR_APIKEY' -XPOST '' -d '{ "ip":"IP1,IP2,IP3/24", "import":"true", "vulnscan":"false","urlscan":"false", "ports":"80,443" }'


echo IP1 > /tmp/ips.txt
echo IP2 >> /tmp/ips.txt
echo IP3/24 >> /tmp/ips.txt

onyphe -ondemand-scope-ip-bulk /tmp/ips.txt

Fetching scan results

See Ondemand Scope Result API.

Response codes

error:   0, text: 'Success'
error:   1, text: 'Unknown error'
error:   2, text: 'Invalid API key format'
error:   3, text: 'No API key given'
error:   4, text: 'Rate limit reached'
error:   5, text: 'Client not allowed'
error:   6, text: 'Scope type is unknown'
error:   7, text: 'Failed to parse scope'
error:   8, text: 'Target is undefined'
error:   9, text: 'Scan is already running'
error:  10, text: 'Cache query failed'
error:  11, text: 'Target has invalid format'
error:  12, text: 'Scan ID is undefined'
error:  13, text: 'Scan ID not found'
error:  14, text: 'Scan ID has no results'
error:  15, text: 'Scan ID has empty results'
error:  16, text: 'Scan ID has no scope'
error:  17, text: 'Target not allowed'
error:  18, text: 'License not allowed'
error:  19, text: 'No API key given'
error:  20, text: 'Error not found'
error:  21, text: 'Scan failed to start'
error:  22, text: 'maxscantime parameter must be an integer'
error:  23, text: 'urlscan parameter must be true or false'
error:  24, text: 'vulnscan parameter must be true or false'
error: 100, text: 'Scan ID not found'
error: 101, text: 'Scan ID has no scope file'
error: 102, text: 'Scan ID has an empty scope file'
error: 103, text: 'Scan ID is in progress'
error: 104, text: 'Scan ID has been killed'
error: 105, text: 'Scan ID has no DNS resolution'
error: 106, text: 'Scan ID has no open port'
error: 107, text: 'Scan ID has no application results'
error: 108, text: 'Scan ID has no result file'
error: 109, text: 'Scan ID has result file but is empty'
error: 110, text: 'Scan ID scope is of unknown type'
error: 111, text: 'Scan ID results are being built'